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Symlinks and Assumed Write Access | An Intro
Here is a quick introduction to Symlinks and Assumed Write Access. Our Server Management Support team is available to help you with your questions and concerns. What is Symlinks and Assumed Write Access? Symlinks can be described as a type of file system object that...
Migrate Redis from AWS to a Vultr Managed Database
Are you looking for a guide to help you migrate Redis from AWS to a Vultr Managed Database? Our AWS Support team is here to lend a hand with your queries and issues. Migrate Redis from AWS to a Vultr Managed Database If you are looking for a guide to help you migrate...
xs_open No such file or directory on DomU | Resolved
Are you having trouble with xs_open No such file or directory on DomU? Our NFS Support team is here to lend a hand with your queries and issues. xs_open No such file or directory on DomU | Resolved Recently, one of our customers ran into the following error when...
Access LXC Container From Outside: Configuration
Let us learn more on how to access lxc container from outside. Wight the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares we can give you a complete overview of the process. How to access lxc container from outside? LXC containers are by default isolated...
Integrate LiteMage into Magento v2: How to?
81011 An Error Occurred While Creating a SQL Server Database: Solution
Let us take a closer look at the error: 81011 an error occurred while creating a sql server database. With the support of our MSSQL support services, we can give you a complete overview of the error and how to remove it easily. Error: 81011 an error occurred while...
Could not connect to redis connection refused – Fix it easily
Learn how to fix the “Could not connect to Redis connection refused “ error with ease. Our Server Management Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. An Overview: What causes the Redis connection refused error? Redis-Server is not started...
MS SQL Error 229 – How to fix
MS SQL error 229 appears when we try to access any table or to perform select on SQL Server. Here at Bobcares, we resolve database errors such as this as part of our MS SQL Support services for web hosts and other online service providers. Today we’ll take a look at...
Microsoft SQL Error 5171 – How to fix
Microsoft SQL Error 5171 occurs due to many reasons like MDF file corrupted, virus infection, power failure, etc. Here, at Bobcares our Support Engineers take care of MS SQL errors frequently as a part of our Server Management Services. In this article, we’re going to...
Fix PostgreSQL connection refused easily
An incorrect entry in the configuration file or firewall restriction generally triggers PostgreSQL connection refused error. As a part of our PostgreSQL Management Services, we help webmasters and web hosts resolve PostgreSQL such as this every day. Today let's...
Cron daemon sending email continuously – An easy fix
Cron daemon sending email continuously is a bug that is sometimes seen after a cPanel update. Here at Bobcares, we resolve web hosting technical issues such as this as part of our Server Management services for Web Hosts, Digital Marketing Agency, and other online...
Dealing with Magento error processing your request
Magento "error processing your request" issue is seen while installing a Magento, a theme, or an extension. Here at Bobcares, we have seen several causes for this error while troubleshooting Magento issues as part of our Server Management Services for Magento site...
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AWS Elemental MediaConvert SLA | Important Terminologies We Should Know
AWS Elemental MediaConvert SLA is a contract that regulates its use and is specific to each account that makes use of AWS Elemental MediaConvert. At Bobcares, with our AWS Support Services, we can handle your AWS Elemental MediaConvert issues. What is AWS Elemental...
Kubernetes WordPress Persistent Volume | Deployment Tutorial
Deploy WordPress with persistent volumes in Kubernetes using this article. At Bobcares, with our WordPress Support Services, we can handle your WordPress-related issues. Deploy WordPress with persistent volumes in Kubernetes A PersistentVolume (PV) is a storage unit...
Cloudflare error This website uses HSTS | Fixed
Are you having trouble with the Cloudflare error This website uses HSTS? Our Cloudflare Support team is here to lend a hand with your queries and issues. Cloudflare error This website uses HSTS | Fixed If you have been coming across the following error for your...
Autoptimize Cache Size Warning | Solution Revealed
Let's explore more about the autoptimize cache size warning with this post. Bobcares, as a part of our WordPress Management Services, offers solutions to every query that comes our way. What is an autoptimize cache size warning? Autoptimize gathers all JS (and CSS)...
cPanel AutoSSL Certificate Expired | How To Solve It?
What to do when the AutoSSL certificate expired in cPanel? With our cPanel & WHM Support Services, Bobcares help you with the solution. What to do when the AutoSSL certificate expired in cPanel? Before a certificate from an AutoSSL provider expires, the provider...