Wondering ‘how to start Backup manually in SolusVM?’ We can help you with this!
Here at Bobcares, we handle similar requests from our customers as a part of our Server Management Services.
Today let’s see how our Support Engineers help to start backup manually for our SolusVM customers.
Start Backup manually in SolusVM
SolusVM provides two backup methods. They are,
- System Backup
- Auto FTP Backup
Today, let’s discuss these two backups and how to start them manually in SolusVM.
System Backup
In SolusVM, System backup is a feature focused on backup the database and database configuration of the Master server.
The system backup contains:
- Database backup
- /usr/local/solusvm/includes/solusvm.conf : The configuration file
Here the SolusVM create the backup and transfer it to the FTP storage.
Start the System Backup manually in SolusVM
Let’s see how to initiate system backup manually in SolusVM.
- Firstly, access the Master server via SSH.
- Then to start the system backup manually, run the following command:
php /usr/local/solusvm/system/systembackup.php
After that, we need to check the status of the backup by checking the System logs of the backup if the system backup is configured using the FTP method.
If you notice the following error in the log, it means that the process is already running.
/usr/local/solusvm/tmp/ftpbackup.pid already exists
So we need to wait till the backup process completes. Else, we have to remove all auto FTP backup processes, ftpbackup.pid file, and then restart the backup process again.
Auto FTP Backup
In SolusVM, the Auto FTP Backup is a solution for automated VPS backups. It is configured per node.
How to configure Auto FTP backup?
- Firstly, login to SolusVM.
SolusVM admin panel >> Nodes >> List >> (Select the node that wish to backup)>> Auto FTP Backup
2. Then, Under the FTP Server Settings :
Select the FTP server from the Profile option. Also specify the details like IP or Hostname, Username, Password, Port, and Directory.
3. Tick the checkbox Passive in the FTP Server Settings page.
4. Then under Backup Settings, tick the checkbox Enabled to allow backup.
5. Also, we can change the other backup settings according to our requirements.
6. Finally, click Update
Start the Autoftp backup manually in SolusVM
Now, let’s see how to initiate Autoftp backup manually in SolusVM.
- Firstly, access the Slave server via SSH.
- Then to start the Autoftp backup manually, run the following command:
php /usr/local/solusvm/includes/autoftpbackup.php
For verbose output, run the below command:
php /usr/local/solusvm/includes/autoftpbackup.php --mode=all --debug=1
[Need any assistance with SolusVM queries? We can help you]
In short, today we saw the steps followed by our Support Techs to start Backup manually in SolusVM.