
Vagrant DigitalOcean | How to install and set-up

by | Jun 8, 2022

Vagrant DigitalOcean comes in handy to manage DO droplets. Find out more here.

At Bobcares, we offer solutions for every query, big and small, as a part of our DigitalOcean Managed Support Services.

Let’s take a look at how our DO Support Team is ready to help customers install and set up Vagrant DigitalOcean.

All About Vagrant DigitalOcean

Vagrant is responsible for creating and supporting virtual development environments via virtual machines. Furthermore, vagrant-digitalocean, a Vagrant provider plugin, enables us to manage DigitalOcean droplets with ease. It offers several features like:

  • Power on/off droplets
  • Create/ destroy droplets
  • Rebuild droplets
  • Create an SSH key for authentication
  • Set up a new user account while creating a droplet

According to our Support Techs, we can easily install the Vagrant provider plugin with the following CLI command:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean

Vagrant DigitalOcean


After installation, it is time to configure our project to use Vagrant DigitalOcean. The configuration requirements include:

  • We have to specify the override.ssh.private_key_path in order to enable authentication via the Droplet. Additionally, the provider creates a new DigitalOcean SSH key with the public key that is the private_key_path with a .pub extension.
  • Then, mention the DigitalOcean Personal Access Token at provider.token. We can find this in the control panel under the Apps & API section.

After we create the Vagrantfile with the corresponding configuration attributes. We have to create a new droplet with the following command:

$ vagrant up –provider=digital_ocean

The above command creates a new droplet, sets up the SSH key for authentication, and creates a new user account.

Alternatively, we can install Vagrant DigitalOcean via Bundler as seen here:

  1. To begin with, install Bundler version 1.7.9
    sudo gem install bundler -v '1.7.9'
  2. Then, install vagrant-digtialocean dependencies as seen below:
    bundle _1.7.9_ install
  3. Next, try running the following command to ensure it is working:
    bundle _1.7.9_ exec vagrant digitalocean-list images
  4. Finally, we can run the following command to test if it is working:
    bundle _1.7.9_ exec rake test

Once we are happy with the changes, we have to submit a pull request.

Let us know how Vagrant DigitalOcean has made it easier to manage droplets in the comments.

[Need assistance with a different issue? We are available 24/7.]


In a nutshell, our skilled DO Support Engineers at Bobcares demonstrated how to install and set up Vagrant DigitalOcean.


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