
Plesk this dns record already exists

by | Apr 9, 2022

Wondering how to resolve Plesk this dns record already exists? We can help you.

At Bobcares, we offer solutions for every query, big and small, as a part of our Server Management Service.

Let’s take a look at how our Support Team help a customer  deal with this Plesk error.

How to resolve Plesk this dns record already exists?

Today, let us see the steps followed by our Support Techs to resolve it.

  • Firstly, connect to the Plesk Windows server via RDP.
  • Then, take a database dump of the Plesk database using the following command under the command prompt.

plesk db dump psa > C:\psa_24x7_backup.sql

  • Next, access the Plesk database using the following command in CMD:

plesk db

  • Then, find dns_zone_id of the domain, which cannot be created, using the following command.

select dns_zone_id,host from dns_recs where host like “”; is domain name

Replace with your actual domain name:

  • Using dns_zone_id from the output above, make sure that the domain name is the same:

select id,name from dns_zone where id=628;

  • Finally, delete records from corresponding tables using the ID from the steps above

delete from dns_zone where id=628;

delete from dns_recs where dns_zone_id=628;

Now, you will able to create the domain/subdomain/alias in Plesk without any issue.

For Plesk on Linux

  • Connect to the Plesk server via SSH.
  • Create a database dump of the Plesk database : # plesk db dump psa > /root/psa_backup.sql
  • Access the Plesk database: # plesk db
  • Find dns_zone_id of the domain, which cannot be created, using the following command. Replace with an actual domain name: mysql> select dns_zone_id,host from dns_recs where host like “”;
  • Using dns_zone_id from the output above, make sure that the domain name is the same.
  • Delete records from corresponding tables using the ID from the steps above.
  • Exit MySQL: mysql> exit
  • Finally, create the domain/subdomain/alias in Plesk / Rerun the migration/restore

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Today, we saw steps followed by our Support Engineers to resolve Plesk error this dns record already exists


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