
How to Fix “Container is Already Running” Error in LXC

by | Aug 1, 2024

Learn how to fix the “Container is Already Running” Error in LXC. Our LXC/LXD Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

How to Fix the “Container is Already Running” Error in LXC

How to Fix the "Container is Already Running" Error in LXCLinux Containers offer a lightweight virtualization method for running multiple isolated Linux systems on a single host. Containerization offers several benefits, like efficient resource usage, portability, and ease of deployment. This makes it a popular choice for developers and system administrators.

Common LXC Errors

While working with LXC, we will run into several errors that can disrupt our workflow. Understanding these errors and their solutions can save us time and effort. In addition to the ‘Container is Already Running’ error, we need to be aware of issues like ‘Container Failed to Start’ or ‘Network Configuration Errors.’

Best Practices for Managing LXC Containers

Efficient management of LXC containers helps optimize performance and ensure security. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Keep the containers updated with the latest security patches and software releases.
  • Use monitoring tools to keep an eye on CPU, memory, and storage usage to prevent resource contention.
  • Use automation tools like Ansible or scripts to handle routine tasks, such as starting or stopping containers.
  • Regularly back up the container configurations and data to ensure quick recovery in case of failure.

About the “Container is Already Running” Error in LXC

When working with LXC (Linux Containers), we may run into an error message when attempting to start a container that is already running. This issue usually occurs when we use the `lxc start` command on an active LXC container instance.

The error pops up because LXC cannot start a container that is already in an active state. This can happen for several reasons.

Possible Causes

  • The information provided by LXC may be outdated, resulting in a discrepancy between the container’s actual state and the state reported by LXC.
  • We may be trying to start the container while another process is also attempting to start it, leading to a conflict.

Fixing the Error

Follow these steps to fix the LXC error: “The instance is already running”:

  1. To begin with, confirm the current state of the container.

    We can use the `lxc list` command to get a list of running containers and their states. Check if the container we are trying to start is already in the **RUNNING** state.

    lxc list

    For more information about the container, like its current state, we can use this command:

    lxc info container_name

  2. If the container is in the process of starting, it will take some time depending on its size and complexity. So, wait a few minutes for the container to complete its startup process.
  3. If we are certain that the container is not starting and we need to stop it to restart it we can use this command:

    lxc stop -f container_name

    Be careful with the `-f` flag, as forcing a stop can result in data loss if the container hasn’t completed the necessary writes.

  4. Sometimes, another process may be attempting to start the container simultaneously:

    So, use tools like `ps aux` or `top` to identify any processes running the `lxc start` command. If we find such processes, we have to terminate them to resolve the conflict.

    ps aux | grep lxc

  5. If the error still persists try restarting the LXD daemon.

    For systemd-based systems, the command is:

    systemctl restart lxd

[Need assistance with a different issue? Our team is available 24/7.]


In brief, our Support Experts demonstrated how to fix the “Container is Already Running” Error in LXC


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