LXD Container vs Docker: A detailed Note

Let us do a comparative study between lxd container vs docker. With the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares we will now go through the major differences between the both. lxd container vs docker: The similartities Containerization...

Linode Deployment with StackScript Automation

Let us take a closer look at how to Linode Deployment with StackScript Automation. With the support of our Linode support services at Bobcares we can give you a complete overview of the whole deployment p[orcess. Linode Deployment with StackScript Automation...

Nginx Fastcgi Access Denied: Easy solution

Let us take a closer look the error nginx fastcgi access denied. With the support of our Nginx support services at Bobcares we can give you a complete note on how to remove the error. Error: nginx fastcgi access denied We may receive a “access denied”...

Install Vmware Esxi OVH: How to?

Let us take a closer look at how to install vmware esxi ovh. With the support of our OVH hosting support services at Bobcares we can give you a complete note on to install it. Install vmware esxi ovh server Follow these steps to install VMware ESXi on an OVH server:...