Virtualizor KVM bridge – An Introduction

Get ready to learn more about Virtualizor KVM bridge. Our Virtualizor Support team is here to lend a hand with your queries and issues. Virtualizor KVM bridge – An Introduction Today we are going to take a look at managing the Network Bridge for KVM in...

OpenBSD on DigitalOcean | How to install

Get ready to learn how to install OpenBSD on DigitalOcean. Our DigitalOcean Support team is here to lend a hand with your queries and issues. How to install OpenBSD on DigitalOcean OpenBSD is a popular, multi-platform, free, and highly secure Unix-like operating...

Docker CIFS volume | An Introduction

Get ready to learn how to access CIFS volume in Docker. Our Docker Support team is here to lend a hand with your queries and issues.  How to access CIFS volume in Docker Today, we are going to take a look at how we can mount a CIFS share on the host OS with the right...

How to add Canonical tags in Magento

Get ready to learn how to add canonical tags in Magento. Our Magento Support team is here to lend a hand with your queries and issues. How to add canonical tags in Magento A canonical tag can be described as an HTML attribute that informs search engines about which...