XCP-ng Local Storage | Setup Tutorial

Learn more about XCP-ng local storage in XenServer hypervisor with this article. Bobcares, as a part of our Server Management Service offers solutions to every query that comes our way. XCP-ng local storage in XenServer The XCP-ng virtualization platform is built on...

Tailscale on pfSense | Setup Guide

Let’s look into the steps to use Tailscale on pfSense. Bobcares, as a part of our pfSense Support Services offers solutions to every query that comes our way. Tailscale on pfSense Tailscale is a zero-configuration VPN, which means we can access all of the local...

MariaDB Connection Refused | Why?

The error “MariaDB connection refused” often denotes that an attempt to connect an app or client to the MariaDB database server was unsuccessful. Bobcares, as a part of our Server Management Service offers solutions to every query that comes our way....