Learn more about Azure Redis Cache Terraform from our experts. Our Redis Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.
All About Azure Redis Cache Terraform
Did you know that the Azure Private Link for Azure Cache for Redis offers private connectivity from a virtual network to our cache instance?
In other words, we can use Azure Private Link to connect to an Azure Cache for Redis instance from our virtual network through a private endpoint. This endpoint in turn is assigned a private IP address in a subnet in the virtual network.
Hence, the Azure Private Link option simplifies the network architecture. Furthermore, it secures the connection between endpoints in Azure by doing away with data exposure to the public internet. As Private Link carries traffic privately, it reduces exposure to threats as well.
AzureRM, short for Azure Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure. It helps us create, update, and delete resources in our Azure account with ease. It offers several features, like access control, locks, tags, and so on help secure and organize our resources after deployment.
Additionally, the “azurerm_redis_enterprise_cluster” resource manages a Redis Enterprise cluster. In other words, it is a template to help us start using the ‘azurerm_redis_enterprise_cluster’ resource within the ‘azurerm’ provider with Terraform.
How to set up & deploy Azure Cache for Redis using Terraform
These steps will help us set up and deploy Azure Cache for Redis using Terraform and Azure CLI.
- First, we have to log in to Azure via Azure CLI:
az login
Alternatively, we can log in with a Service Principal as seen below:
az login --service-principal --username APP_ID --tenant TENANT_ID --password [password || /path/to/cert]
- Next, it is time to clone the repository
with this command: git clone https://github.com/redis-developer/acre-terraform
- After that, we have to initialize the repository
as seen here: cd acre-terraform
terraform initAfter running the above commands we will get a message stating “ Terraform has been successfully initialized”.
- This step is optional. It involves setting up default variables to deploy the smallest ‘E10’ instance into the ‘East US’ region. We can make the changes by updating the variables.tf file.
- Then, we have to run the following command to see everything created by the template:
terraform plan
- Once we are satisfied with the output of the previous step, we have to apply the template as seen here:
terraform apply
- Now that the access key is sensitive, we have to request to view the outputs. Our experts would like to point out that the output will be in JSON format.
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To conclude, our Support Techs demonstrated how to set up and deploy Azure Cache for Redis using Terraform and Azure CLI.
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