NetBox Digital Ocean | Setup Guide

To precisely meet the needs of network and infrastructure engineers, DigitalOcean NetBox was created. At Bobcares, with our DigitalOcean Managed Service, we can handle your NetBox issues. NetBox Digital Ocean | Setup Guide NetBox is an application designed to empower...

Ceph DigitalOcean: A Guide On

 Let us take a closer look at how to set up the Ceph filesystem on Digitalocean with the support of DigitalOcean managed services at Bobcares.    ceph                                         It is a distributed storage system that offers object, block, and file...

ERPNext Digitalocean: How to Set up?

Let us take a closer look at the ERPNext Digitalocean with the support of our Digital ocean-managed services at Bobcares. What is ERPNext and why set it up on Digitalocean? ERPNext is a set of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications that take use of the power...