by Archana Sreenivas | May 6, 2020 | Latest, VPN
Are you a VPN user who is suddenly seeing “Error 633: The modem is already in use or not configured properly” in your Windows 10? A recent update to your Windows 10, another program using VPN port, or outdated modem drivers might be the reason. Here at...
by Sijin George | May 5, 2020 | Amazon Web Services (AWS), Latest
Stuck with Amazon SES SMTP Connection refused (111) error? We can fix it for you. Quite often, when connecting apps to Amazon SES Mail service, users get errors. This happens mainly due to incorrect port settings, invalid logins, etc. At Bobcares, we frequently deal...
by Archana Sreenivas | May 3, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
Frustrated with Zabbix 113 no route to host error? We can help you fix it. In general, Zabbix 113 no route to host error is mainly related to the firewall. At Bobcares, we often get requests to fix Zabbix errors, as a part of our Server Management Services. Today,...
by Vishnu Panicker | May 2, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
Are you in a need to retrieve the user details from your DNN database? We can help you get it. Retrieval of user details from the DNN database becomes rather easy by running an SQL query. At Bobcares, we often receive requests to retrieve user details as part of our...
by Sijin George | May 2, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
Is your Gmail showing TLS Negotiation failed the certificate doesn’t match the host error? Let’s fix it. In April 2020, Gmail started enforcing strict email security measures. This error usually happens due to incorrect SSL on the mail server. At Bobcares,...
by Gayathri R Nayak | May 1, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
The websites convert from MyISAM tables to InnoDB to improve their site speed. Here at Bobcares, we help website owners convert their MyISAM databases to InnoDB with zero data loss and minimal downtime as part of our Server Management Services. Read to know why InnoDB...
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