by Lakshmi S Panicker | Mar 28, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
Looking for a guide on how to install UFW on a Ubuntu 18.04 server? We can help you. Uncomplicated Firewall or UFW provides an interface to manage the iptables firewall easily. A firewall protects the server and the interconnected network from the dangers that exist...
by Sijin George | Mar 27, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
Is your website showing a 413 request entity too large error? We are here to help you. The 413 error simply means that the browser request was too large for the webserver to process. Again, the fix for 413 request entity too large error involves modifying the size of...
by Keerthi PS | Mar 27, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
Oops! your Laravel project is not loading as the vendor folder is missing. We can help you to regenerate it. Usually, this situation occurs due to a corrupted or outdated Composer installation. As a result, the Laravel project can not create the autoload.php and...
by Ansu Anto | Mar 26, 2020 | Latest, Magento, Server Management
Need to improve the page loading speed of your Magento store? We can do it by leveraging browser cache. Browser caching helps to store the website data in the user’s local machine. So that the site loads faster when the user visits the same website again. That...
by Gayathri R Nayak | Mar 25, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
Looking for a way to speed up your Apache-based web server? One option is to enable gzip compression through the .htaccess file. Gzip compressions reduce file size that in-turn increases website speed. That is why our Support Engineers enable gzip compression in all...
by Vishnu Panicker | Mar 24, 2020 | Latest, Server Management
Looking for a way to set up a password-protected directory on your website? We can help you. Website owners prefer to restrict public access to specific web pages that have sensitive information. These web pages are nothing but folders and files with website contents....
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