by Keerthi PS | Nov 2, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
Is your website showing 509 bandwidth limit exceeded message? It just indicates that your website traffic is too high that the host cannot allow. This too has a simple fix, free up some bandwidth always. Usually, we do this by upgrading the hosting plan, reduce file...
by Keerthi PS | Nov 2, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
Ever wondered how private networks can share a single public IP without breaking a sweat? Enter iptables NAT masquerade, a powerful tool that makes this possible. Essentially, it functions as a router, cleverly hiding the access of private networks while sharing a...
by Jilu Joseph | Nov 2, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
There are lots of undelivered outgoing emails in my server and I see an error message as Postfix error mail transport unavailable! . What I need to do? One of the typical postfix errors which creates a problem for many of our customers. Mail transport unavailable...
by Keerthi PS | Nov 2, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
Fail2ban ignoreip is a default feature to whitelist trusted IPs. Usually, fail2ban bans IPs that are suspicious while monitoring logs. But if the user wants to whitelist a trusted IP, we edit ignoreip in the conf file. At Bobcares, we use fail2ban to whitelist IPs, as...
by Lakshmi S Panicker | Nov 1, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
Have you ever wondered how fail2ban blacklist IP? Fail2ban protects our server mainly from brute-force attacks. It bans suspicious IP addresses in the server firewall. At Bobcares, we often receive requests to blacklist IP addresses as part of our Server Management...
by Lakshmi S Panicker | Nov 1, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
Are you frustrated with “Moodle SMTP error could not authenticate”? Though moodle comes with many standard features, it is never free of errors. An SMTP authentication error is a tricky moodle error. This occurs mainly due to errors in SMTP fields in...
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