by Jilu Joseph | Sep 10, 2019 | Latest, Plesk, Server Management
Brute force attacks are literally annoying and make the entire website down. But, can we do anything to avoid this attack? Yes. Popular control panels like Plesk offer Fail2ban aka IP Address Banning that protects websites from brute-force attacks. However, problems...
by Jilu Joseph | Sep 10, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
MongoDB databases can definitely make websites faster. However, just like any other database server, it can also malfunction. Problems with system clock settings and incorrect file permissions can result in MongoDB exited with code 14 error. At Bobcares, we often get...
by Sijin George | Sep 9, 2019 | Latest, PostgreSQL, Server Management
A last-minute website error is always frustrating. PostgreSQL database queries often end up in errors with code 42501. This PostgreSQL error 42501 usually occurs when an underprivileged user queries a database. This can be tricky to troubleshoot. That’s why we...
by Jilu Joseph | Sep 9, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
Application and websites generate too much data even in a single transaction. How can we handle this huge amount of data efficiently? Thanks to the NoSQL capabilities of MongoDB, it makes websites scalable and offers superior performance. However, the MongoDB error...
by Sijin George | Sep 8, 2019 | Latest, MySQL, Server Management
osCommerce website stores data in a MySQL database. Hence, understanding osCommerce database settings are really crucial for site management. Any sort of database error messes up the entire website. At Bobcares, we often get requests to correct osCommerce database...
by Sijin George | Sep 7, 2019 | Latest
Online store owners use custom cart pages to get a better look and feel for their website. But, can we do it in WooCommerce sites? Fortunately, it is possible to create WooCommerce custom cart pages. At Bobcares, we receive many requests to customize WooCommerce cart...
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