Linode Manual Backup: Set up Guide

Let us learn how to perform the Linode manual backup with the support of our Linode support services at Bobcares. How to create a manual backup of Linode? Manual backup entails copying the file to a separate backup folder. In contrast, restoring implies copying the...

Linode SMTP Blocked: Solution

Let us learn how to remove the issue linode smtp blocked with the support of our Linode support services at Bobcares. What is Linode SMTP blocked? SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a communication protocol that allows email messages to be sent and received over...

HAProxy Bind Multiple Ports: How to?

Let us learn how to setup the haproxy bind multiple ports with the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares. Why setup the HAProxy bind multiple ports? When HAProxy connects to several ports, it listens on each port for incoming traffic and routes...

Redis FLUSHALL Error | Troubleshooting Tips

Stuck with the Redis FLUSHALL Error and not sure what to do? Our Redis Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.   Redis FLUSHALL Error | Troubleshooting Tips We can use the FLUSHALL command in Redis to delete all the keys of all the existing...

WordPress ACF shortcode Not working | Resolved

Learn what to do when the WordPress ACF shortcode is not working with troubleshooting tips from our experts. Our WordPress Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. WordPress ACF shortcode Not working | Resolved ACF, short for Advanced Custom...