Deploy Jenkins through the Linode Marketplace

Let us learn how to Deploy Jenkins through the Linode Marketplace. With the help of our Linode support services at Bobcares, we will now understand how to deploy this. How to Deploy Jenkins through the Linode Marketplace? Jenkins is an open source automation tool that...

Linode Certbot Wildard: How to Setup?

Let us learn how to get linode certbot wildcard. With the help of our Linode support services at Bobcares, we will learn how to get the process. What is linode certbot wildcard? A wildcard SSL/TLS certificate secures an infinite number of subdomains for a single...

CONFIG_SCSI_VIRTIO disabled – Resolved

Are you stuck with the CONFIG_SCSI_VIRTIO  disabled error? Our Linode Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. CONFIG_SCSI_VIRTIO disabled – Resolved If you have come across the “CONFIG_SCSI_VIRTIO is disabled” error...

Github Actions Deploy to Linode: How to?

Let us look at the various github actions deploy to linode. With the support of our Linode support services at Bobcares we can give you a guide on the process. What does github actions deploy to linode mean? “GitHub Actions deploy to Linode” refers to the...

Linode Deployment with StackScript Automation

Let us take a closer look at how to Linode Deployment with StackScript Automation. With the support of our Linode support services at Bobcares we can give you a complete overview of the whole deployment p[orcess. Linode Deployment with StackScript Automation...

How to Clone Linode Disk Image

Looking for a way to clone Linode Disk Image? Our Linode Support team can help you with your questions and concerns. How to Clone Linode Disk Image According to our experts, cloning a Linode disk image involves creating a duplicate copy of an already existing Linode...