For every $500 you spend, we will provide you with a $500 credit on your account*


*The maximum is $4000 in credits, Offer valid till December 6th, 2024, New Customers Only, Credit will be applied after purchase and expires after six (6) months

For every $500 you spend, we will provide you with a $500 credit on your account*


*The maximum is $4000 in credits, Offer valid till December 6th, 2024, New Customers Only, Credit will be applied after purchase and expires after six (6) months

NGINX Proxy Manager LXC | Setup Guide

Nginx Proxy Manager in an LXC can be run using the 10-step method in this post. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Service, we can handle your issues. Nginx Proxy Manager in an LXC: Setup Steps With its graphical interface for creating and monitoring proxy...

Nginx proxy to avoid CORS

Learn how to use Nginx proxy to avoid CORS. Our Nginx Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. Nginx proxy to avoid CORS CORS can be tricky when building web applications, especially if our frontend and backend are on different domains or...

How to disable ETag NGINX?

How to disable ETag in NGINX? Read the article to find out. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Service, we can handle your issues. How to disable ETag in NGINX? The “Entity Tag,” or ETag, is an essential part of the web caching algorithms employed by...