Add Imagick on Plesk | All About

In this article, we will learn how to Add Imagick on Plesk. As a part of Server Management service, Bobcares will handle all queries related to Plesk. Install Imagick on Plesk   ImageMagick is free software delivered as a ready-to-run binary distribution or as source...

Adding MIME type to Plesk | How to?

Today let’s work on Adding MIME type to Plesk with help of our Server Management Services support techs at Bobcares. Adding MIME type to Plesk Overview MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. This is to identify files on the Internet according to...

Postfix RBL Override

Let us take a closer look at the postfix rbl override and the configurations associated with it. With the support of Server management support services at Bobcares will give you a  give a detailed note on the entire process. What is RBL? The RBL module supports...

Access Webmail Plesk | A Simple Way

Let’s take a closer look at how to access webmail in Plesk. We at Bobcares can manage your Plesk issues with our Plesk Hosting Support Services. Access Webmail In Plesk Web-based e-mail, Webmail is an e-mail service that we can access using a standard web...