Security should be a key factor when choosing the hosting support company for your Web hosting business. The support team should be able to ensure you complete protection of the server information that you submit to them. An overall protection framework is the Information Security Management System (ISMS), as per the ISO/IEC 27001:2005 standard. This standard provides a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
Bobcares is an ISMS certified company, which means that our customers are affirmed security of their information assets through the proper standards.
Risk assessment is the first step in the overall protection framework. The article on Risk Assessment , gives an overview of how to go about identifying and evaluating the risks to business.
ISMS is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model. Through this article, we will go through all phases of the PDCA model as applied to ISMS, and see the major processes and activities involved.

In the planning phase, the top management provides the overall guidance and direction by defining the scope of ISMS, and defining the ISMS policy and objectives. Risk assessment is done during this phase. Supporting policies, procedures and the processes relevant to manage risks are also created in this phase. The outcome of the planning phase is the set of all policies and the risk treatment plan which lists out all the majors risks to business, along with risk mitigation strategies.
The risk treatment plans are then implemented and operated along with the policies and procedures that are decided during the planning phase. This may involve creating new IT systems or modifying existing ones, making appointments to security job roles and conducting security and awareness classes.
In this phase, security process performance is measured against the ISMS policy and objectives. Security metrics are defined to measure the effectiveness of the implemented controls. Sample security metrics include downtime of critical systems, the number of security incidents reported, the number of non conformities found in the audits and so on. The effectiveness of ISMS is then reviewed by the top management, taking into account the results of security audits, results from effectiveness measurements, and feedback from all interested parties.
Corrective and preventive action is then taken based on the findings in the check phase. Corrective action corresponds to those actions that are taken to eliminate the cause of the non-conformities, whereas, preventive action corresponds to the actions that are taken to eliminate the cause of potential non-conformities.
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Bobcares is an ISMS certified company, which means that our customers are affirmed security of their information assets through the proper standards. |
The PDCA cycle is to be completed over a pre-planned interval, say six months. Multiple recursion through the PDCA cycle ensures continual improvement of the management system.
The code of practice for ISMS, ISO/IEC 27002, lists out a range of security controls and best practices which can be adopted. This code of practice proved to be very handy for the implementation of ISMS in Bobcares.
Organizations can get certified as compliant with ISO/IEC 27001:2005 through any of the certification bodies. At least one PDCA cycle must be completed by the organization before going for the certification. The certification involves a two stage audit process. The completeness of the documentation is checked during the stage I audit. Stage II audit involves exhaustive checking of the effectiveness of ISMS. After certification, re-assessment audits are to be conducted periodically to confirm that ISMS continues to operate as per the standards.
The ISO 27001: 2005 certification of Bobcares stresses on the importance that the top management has given towards providing its customers with the best quality service in the Webhosting Support field.
About the Author:
Vishnu Ram is an MTech. in Communication Systems from IIT Madras. He joined Bobcares in 2003, and has been working for Poornam since then. He is currently the Information Security Manager of the company. His areas of interest are Performance tuning, Server monitoring, and Security. During his past time, Vishnu practices Karate, or read books or listen to music.
ISO 27001:2005 Implementation of a business enabling information security
ISO 27001 is relevant for any organization, irrespective of its large or small size or location in any part of the world. This standard is suitable for almost all the organizations, from government agencies to commercial enterprises and even for not for profit organizations. Information Security Management System (ISMS) is primarily suitable in the field where protection of information is vital, e.g. finance, health, public and IT sectors.