Let us examine the error invalid form key. please refresh the page. magento 2 frontend in depth. With the assistance of our Magento support services, we can you a detailed note on the error with the solutions.
Invalid Form key. Please Refresh The Page. Magento 2 Frontend
Despite its prevalence, this is not a specific Magento bug. It is one of the most commonly encountered Magento issues. The following are some of the Magento 2 shop actions that produce this error:
- During the making of a configurable product with multiple attributes.
- When adding a product to the wishlist.
- While creating an account or signing, add to the cart on localhost.
- When installing a new extension/ theme on Magento 2.
- After upgrading Magento 2 version.
The reasons for Magento 2 “Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page” error
Listed below are two of the most common or popular reasons for the error to get triggered.
1. PHP Max_input_vars value is not optimized for Magento 2
The date error is caused by an incorrectly specified Max input vars value in Magento 2. The server’s default PHP MAx input vars value is 1000, which is insufficient for Magento 2.
PHP Max input vars is the maximum amount of variables that the server can use for a single function in order to avoid overloading (this value is used mainly to protect the server from DDOS attacks).
2. Base URL on Localhost not recognized by Magento 2 system
If this problem occurs on Localhost, it is most likely due to utilizing Localhost as the website’s base URL rather than
This will almost certainly result in a cookie system issue on Magento and a Magento 2 Invalid Form Key. If this is the case, please reload the website page.
Fix Magento 2 Invalid Form Key error. Please refresh the page
As noted in the content given above, there are two main causes of this problem. We’ll go over two corresponding solutions for them. Let’s get started on each solution straight away.
Solution 1: Increase max_input_vars in php.ini
Most of the time, we can resolve the Magento 2 error “Invalid Form Key.” Please refresh the page” by setting PHP Max input vars to the value required by Magento 2 to process its capabilities.
- Set the Magento 2 Max input vars to 10000.
- To change the value of PHP Max input vars, we must visit the server’s php.ini file.
To adjust PHP Max input vars, carefully follow the steps below.
- When using a VPS/Dedicated server, log in via SSH with root access.
- Enter the command: To locate the path to the php.ini folder, use php -i | grep ‘php.ini’. This will result in an output.
- Set the Max input vars variable to 10000. Then, to save this folder, use the ESC key and type:wq.
; (e.g. by adding its signature to the Web server header).
; threat in any way, but it makes it possible to determine w
; on the server or not.
expose_php = On
; Resource Limits ;
max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 128M
max_input_vars = 5000;
; Maximum execution time of each
; Maximum amount of time each script
; Maximum amount of memory a script
; Error handling and logging ;
; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get - Last but not least, restart your Apache. Now you can save a newly created product without facing any problems.
Solution 2: Change the base URL
Another reason for the invalid form key. Please reload the page. magneto 2 frontend error is the Magento 2 system does not recognize the base URL, which causes the frontend error. It usually occurs in a local setting (localhost). It is simple to resolve this issue; simply update the base URL to “”.
php bin/magento setup:store-config:set --base-url=""
We can also go to PHPAdmin and search for the table core config data, then change the value of web/unsecure/base url to We can modify the base-url-secure: to HTTPS if we install Magento 2 on HTTPS.
php bin/magento setup:store-config:set --base-url-secure=""
Finally, once we’ve changed the base URL, we should flush the cache to save the changes by running the following command:
php bin/magento cache:flush
And then run the following command to clear the Magento 2 cache folder:
sudo rm -rf var/cache var/generation var/page_cache
Solution 3. Update Magento or improve Magento speed so all Javascripts are loaded fast enough.
Consider the following scenario: “The Form Key is invalid. Please reload the page “. Ask a developer to look into a Magento 2 frontend error that arises on a storefront in the latest version of Magento.
They must modify the Add to Cart button template so that it appears only after all JS scripts have been loaded. Finally, please refresh the website to see whether the error has been resolved.
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To conclude the error invalid form key. please refresh the page. magento 2 frontend can be triggered by two main factors. We can effectively manage the error by analyzing the error-causing issues with the assistance of our Magento support services.
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