
MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline Spring Boot | Guide

by | Sep 11, 2023

Learn how to set up MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline Spring Boot from our experts. Our MongoDB Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline Spring Boot | Guide

The MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline with Spring Boot helps combine the capabilities of MongoDB’s aggregation framework with the Java Spring Boot framework for building web applications.

MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline Spring Boot | Guide

This allows us to carry out advanced data processing and analysis tasks on our MongoDB data within a Spring Boot application.

How to use the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline in a Spring Boot application

Our experts have put together this guide to help you use the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline in a Spring Boot application:

  1. First, we have to configure the Spring Boot application to connect to our MongoDB database. We can use Spring Data MongoDB to simplify database interactions. This involves setting up the dependencies in our pom.xml (for Maven) or build.gradle (for Gradle) file.
  2. Then, it is time to define our MongoDB document structure with Java classes. These classes represent our documents and their fields. We have to use annotations to map the Java class to the MongoDB collection and map fields.
  3. Next, we must create a repository interface that extends MongoRepository or MongoRepositoryCustom. This allows us to interact with MongoDB using Spring Data methods.
  4. Then, we have to define methods that use the aggregation pipeline in our repository interface.
    Additionally, each method can correspond to a different aggregation query.

    @Aggregation(pipeline = { ... })
    List customAggregationMethod();

  5. After that, we have to implement the aggregation pipeline with the MongoDB aggregation operators and stages. Furthermore, we can include stages like $match, $group, $project, $sort, $unwind, etc., to shape and analyze our data.

    Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(

  6. Then, use the defined methods from our repository interface to execute the aggregation queries.
  7. Furthermore, we have to integrate the aggregation operations into our Spring Boot application’s business logic and expose them through REST endpoints or other parts of your application.
  8. Finally, it is time to run the Spring Boot application and test the aggregation queries with tools like Postman or a web browser. We will receive the processed data based on the defined aggregation stages.

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In brief, our Support Techs demonstrated how to use the MongoDB Pipeline in a Spring Boot application.


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