
MySQL Workbench Error Code 1175 – How To Fix?

by | Jan 15, 2020

Oops!! Stuck with MySQL Workbench Error Code 1175? We can help you in fixing it. 

MySQL Workbench Error Code 1175 occurs mainly when trying to UPDATE without a WHERE clause while operating in ‘safe update mode’.

At Bobcares, we often get requests to fix MySQL Benchmark errors, as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s see how our Support Engineers fix MySQL Workbench Error Code 1175 for our customers.


Why MySQL Workbench Error Code 1175 occur?

The UPDATE, DELETE commands and WHERE clause is to be executed very carefully when dealing with the database. Even a mild mishandling can cause data corruption.

In order to prevent such situations, we can stop the execution of queries without a key field condition.

When, the safe_updates_option is turned ON and when we execute a DELETE query, this will result in  ‘Error Code 1175’. Another reason for this error to occur is running UPDATE without a WHERE key in safe update mode.


How we fix this error?

Recently, one of our customers approached us saying that he is getting Error Code 1175 while executing a DELETE query. When we checked we found that the safe update option is turned ON. So we set a safe update option OFF.

SET sql_safe_updates=0;

Then we tried deleting the records from the table he mentioned using:


This deleted the table successfully.

We also handled a situation where the customer approached us saying that he wants to disable sql_safe_updates option as he is getting an error like the one shown below:

 MySQL Workbench Error Code 1175

The customer said, he doesn’t know from where he has to disable it in GUI. So our Support Engineers asked him to follow the steps below for disabling.

  1. Initially, access the Edit option.
  2. There click on the Preferences option available.
  3. Then, click on the SQL Editor tab. Within this tab, uncheck Safe Updates checkbox and click OK.
  4. There you can see Query and Reconnect to Server.
  5. Then, login and finally logout


[Need any assistance with MySQL errors? – We’ll help you]



In conclusion, we fix this error either by using a where clause or by disabling ‘sql_safe_updates’. Today, we discussed the topic in detail and saw how our Support Engineers find a fix for error: code 1175.


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1 Comment

  1. DSandi77

    Awesome quick Wiki, thank you!


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