
“NFS Error: Request Couldn’t Be Completed in Time” Issue

by | Oct 5, 2024

Learn how to troubleshoot the “NFS Error: Request Couldn’t Be Completed in Time” Issue. Our NFS Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

Troubleshoot the “NFS Error: Request Couldn’t Be Completed in Time” Issue

If you have been having trouble with the following error message, you have come to the right place.

NFS error: request couldn’t be completed in time”

According to our Experts, this error usually points to a delay or timeout in communication between the Network File System (NFS) client and server. This issue may arise due to performance bottlenecks, connectivity issues, or configuration problems on either the client or server side.

Today, we will take a look at the common causes, troubleshooting steps, and practical solutions for resolving this error.

An Overview:

Common Causes of the NFS Timeout Error

1. Network Connectivity Issues

Slow or unreliable network connections can lead to high latency or packet loss, causing NFS requests to time out.


  • Ensure the NFS client and server can communicate effectively over the network.
  • Use Ping or Traceroute:

    ping NFS-Server-IP
    traceroute NFS-Server-IP

  • If we detect high latency or packet loss, consider upgrading the network infrastructure or optimizing the current configuration.

2. NFS Server Overload

The NFS server might be overloaded with requests or have insufficient resources (CPU, memory, disk I/O), leading to unresponsiveness.


  • Use tools like `top`, `htop`, or `iostat` to check the server’s CPU, memory, and disk I/O usage.
  • Add more CPU cores, RAM, or upgrade to faster storage like SSDs if needed.
  • Reduce simultaneous connections or adjust NFS daemon (`nfsd`) threads to balance the load.

3. NFS Version Mismatch or Protocol Issues

Incompatible or misconfigured NFS versions between the client and server may cause delays or timeouts.


  • Explicitly define the NFS version when mounting:

    mount -t nfs -o vers=3 :/exported_dir /mnt/nfs

  • Check compatibility using:

    rpcinfo -p NFS-Server-IP

4. Firewall or Security Configuration Issues

Firewalls or security settings (e.g., SELinux, AppArmor) on the client or server may block NFS traffic, leading to timeouts.


  • Open required ports on both the client and server. NFS commonly uses:
    • TCP/UDP 2049 for NFS
    • TCP/UDP 111 for RPCBind
  • Open Ports on Linux with UFW:

    sudo ufw allow from to any port nfs
    sudo ufw allow from to any port 2049
    sudo ufw allow from to any port 111

  • Adjust SELinux or AppArmor policies to allow NFS traffic.

5. High Latency on Disk or File System

Slow disk or file system performance on the NFS server can delay file handling, causing client timeouts.


  • Use tools like `iostat`, `iotop`, or `sar` to identify high latency or slow I/O operations.
  • Upgrade to SSDs or implement caching mechanisms if needed.

6. NFS Server or Client Timeout Configuration

Timeout settings on the NFS client or server might be too aggressive, causing premature request failures.


  • Adjust NFS Mount Options:
    • timeo: Set the timeout for NFS requests (in tenths of a second). Default is `600` (60 seconds).
    • retrans: Set the number of retries before giving up. Default is `3`.
  • Increase the timeout settings on the NFS server to better handle slow requests.

7. NFS Stale File Handles

A “stale file handle” occurs when the NFS client is referencing a file that no longer exists on the server.


Unmount and Remount NFS Share:

umount /mnt/nfs
mount -t nfs :/exported_dir /mnt/nfs

8. NFS Server Crash or Restart

If the NFS server crashes or restarts, client requests may not be processed, leading to timeouts.


  1. Review logs (`/var/log/syslog` or `/var/log/messages`) for signs of a crash or restart.
  2. Restart NFS Server:

    sudo systemctl restart nfs-server

Troubleshooting Steps for NFS Timeout Errors

  1. Check Network Connectivity:
    • Ensure a stable connection between the NFS server and client.
    • Use `ping` and `traceroute` to test connectivity.
  2. Monitor Server Resources:

    Use tools like `top`, `htop`, or `iostat` to ensure the NFS server is not overloaded.

  3. Verify NFS Configuration:
    • Confirm the `/etc/exports` file is properly configured.
    • Reload the NFS export settings:

      exportfs -ra

  4. Adjust Timeout Settings:

    Modify NFS mount options (`timeo`, `retrans`) for longer timeouts and retries.

  5. Check Firewall and Security Settings:
    • Ensure firewalls are not blocking NFS traffic.
    • Verify SELinux/AppArmor policies are properly configured to allow NFS.
  6. Monitor NFS Logs:
    • Server Logs: `/var/log/syslog`, `/var/log/messages`.
    • Client Logs: `/var/log/syslog`, `/var/log/messages`, `/var/log/kern.log`.
  7. Upgrade Hardware if Necessary:

    Upgrade CPU, memory, or storage if the server is consistently overloaded.

[Need assistance with a different issue? Our team is available 24/7.]


The “NFS error: request couldn’t be completed in time” error can be caused by various factors, including network issues, server overload, misconfigured protocols, or even security settings. By following the troubleshooting steps, we can identify the root cause and apply the necessary fixes. Monitoring both client and server resources, adjusting configuration settings, and ensuring network stability is key to resolving this error and maintaining seamless NFS operation.

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