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How to fix the error “cannot send mail the recipient was rejected by the server”
One click email delivery - That's why everyone prefers sending mails via mobile devices. But this convenience can get upset when email errors crop up all of a sudden. In our role as Outsourced Tech Support for web hosting providers, email errors are one major category...
FileZilla etimedout error : Causes and Fixes
Web hosts give their customers FTP access to easily upload website content, images etc. to the server. But the downside of FTP is that it is vulnerable to brute force attacks (where hackers try logging in with thousands of password combinations, and FTP allows...
Prestashop admin login problem – Why you get kicked out of the admin panel?
Prestashop has stringent security features. One such feature is Short Session timeouts. This is to reduce the exposure of your application to session based attacks like session cookie theft. However, this can cause issues even for legitimate users.Store admins could...
Quick fix for ‘552 5.2.2 user quota exceeded’ error
Email errors can be a nuisance, especially when you have to send an urgent mail. Mail delivery issues form a major category of errors reported by server owners. As part of our Outsourced Tech Support for web hosting providers, we resolve such errors all day long. One...
How to setup WordPress in multiple servers
Many web hosts now guarantee 99.9% uptime for their services, but that still allows up to 8.7 hours of downtime a year. That is not a risk many companies can afford to take. For eg. Sports news websites that fail right in the middle of a superbowl may lose their loyal...
What is WordPress Multisite? How to make WordPress Multisite
For business with hundreds of Wordpress websites, managing each one independently is a tedious task. That's where Wordpress Multisite can make a difference. At Bobcares, we receive many requests to setup Wordpress Multisite as a part of our Outsourced Tech Support...
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