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Uptime monitoring for Web Hosts
Many hosts advertise 99.99% uptime or anything above 99.9%. Is 99.9% any different from 99.99%. Does it make a difference to anyone. The difference is only 0.09%, for crying out loud!! Well, there is a difference. A 99.99% uptime means 54.84 minutes of downtime a...
Installing and Configuring APF for cPanel
The whole process of securing a Server or network is quite extensive. I'm discussing just one major aspect of Security here - Firewalls. Specifically my topic is about APF firewall. I'm dividing this article into 2 sections :- The first section is for amateurs. The...
Business Strategy for Web Hosts
A rich man asked Sengai to write something for the continued prosperity of his family so that it might be treasured from generation to generation.Sengai obtained a large sheet of paper and wrote: "Father dies, son dies, grandson dies." The rich man became angry. "I...
Server Load – The Basics
Load, in computing, is a measure of the amount of processing a computer system is currently performing, usually in the form of a scalar and as some variation on a percentage. - Wikipedia definition. In a *nix variant, Server load can be calculated by the uptime, top...
Understanding SOA records
I've learned that there is nothing more peaceful than a sleeping child - Anonymous, Age 30 To an Internet Administrator, there is nothing more peaceful than a stable and optimized DNS server. The moment there is a wrong configuration, the server wakes up and starts...
Compiling a FreeBSD Kernel
Since my College days, when I was introduced to Unixes, I love to have my own compiled kernel. It gave me that special feeling of "my machine is better than yours". Besides, a custom kernel serves as an interesting conversation topic with geeks. Just ask them "What is...
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