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Ansible Authorized_key: Explained

Let us take a closer look at the ansible authorized_key and learn more about it and the configurations associated with the support of our Server Management Support services at Bobcares. Authorized_key and its role in Ansible To perform tasks and plays on remote target...

fsck error 2 – The way we fix it

Server hard disks often show degraded performance due to file system errors. And, utilities like fsck is of great help in correcting the errors. But, what if the utility itself report errors ? A typical error message appears as "fsck: error 2 (No such file or...

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Activate Gzip Compression WordPress: How to?

Let us take a closer look at how to activate gzip compression wordpress within a few simple steps. At Bobcares our WordPress support services will take you through all of the configurations in the process.   What Is GZIP Compression in WordPress? GZIP is a file format...

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