
Proxmox LXC Network Configuration | A Quick Peek

by | Apr 24, 2024

Learn how to set up Proxmox LXC Network Configuration. Our Proxmox Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

Proxmox LXC Network Configuration | A Quick Peek

Proxmox VE supports both VMs and LXCs. LXC is a lightweight virtualization technology that lets us run multiple isolated Linux systems on a single host.

Proxmox LXC Network Configuration | A Quick Peek

Configuring network settings for LXC containers in Proxmox VE involves several steps:

  1. Network Bridge Configuration:
    • Proxmox VE creates a bridge interface. This acts as a virtual switch connecting the physical network interface of the host system to the VMs and LXC containers.
    • Make sure the bridge interface is properly configured. Also, it has to be connected to the physical network interface of the Proxmox host. We can configure this via Proxmox web interface or directly in the /etc/network/interfaces file.
  2. Container Creation:
    • Use the Proxmox web interface or the pct command-line tool to create an LXC container. Then, specify the network settings.
    • We can also set the container’s IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS servers, and other network parameters during the creation process.
  3. Network Configuration in the Container:
    • Once the LXC container is created, log in to it via SSH or the Proxmox web console. Inside the container, configure the network settings.
    • Then, edit the /etc/network/interfaces file or use tools like ip or ifconfig to configure the container’s network interface. Set the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS servers, etc.
  4. Restart the Container:

    Now, restart the container for the changes to take effect. We can do this via the Proxmox web interface or the pct command-line tool.

  5. Testing Connectivity:

    After the container is configured, test its network connectivity by pinging other devices on the network and accessing external websites.

  6. Firewall Configuration:

    If we have a firewall enabled on the Proxmox host or within the LXC container itself, make sure the necessary ports are open for incoming and outgoing traffic.

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In brief, our Support Experts demonstrated how to set up Proxmox LXC network configuration.


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