Wondering how to recover Control Panel on OnApp? We can help you.
As part of our Server Virtualization Technologies and Services, we assist our customers with several OnApp queries.
Today, let us see how our support techs help our customers with this query.
How to recover Control Panel on OnApp?
Today, let us see the steps followed by our Support Techs to perform this task.
If you have any SSL certificates on the server, take a copy of the necessary files.
To recover your Control Panel, follow the next steps:
1.Firstly, to prepare for Control Panel recovery:
- Install a clean installation of CentOS 64bit
- Configure networking to match the previous configuration
- Ensure you can ping comput resources and backup server over the management networkEnsure that you can access MySQL without a password before continuing if it is already installed.
- Remove any client mysql configuration in /root/.my.cnf
2.Secondly, update CentOS components to the latest yum update.
3.Then, download and install OnApp YUM repository filerpm -Uvh http://rpm.repo.onapp.com/repo/onapp-repo.noarch.rpm
4.Install OnApp Control Panel installer package. Please, reboot if requested by the installer due to SELINUX, and then continue:
bash#> yum install -y onapp-cp-install
5.Next, run the Control Panel installer to install the latest OnApp release:
If required, indicate the build number of the release version you want to install:
/onapp/onapp-cp-install/onapp-cp-install.sh -v <ONAPP_VERSION>
To avoid any issues, make sure you reinstall the same release which was previously installed on CP server.
6.Then, import the OnApp config from backup/onapp/interface/config/on_app.yml
7.To ensure the SSH keys are correct, import the following from the backup:
/home/onapp/.ssh/id_rsa /onapp/interface/config/keys/private /home/onapp/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /onapp/interface/config/keys/public /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/onapp/.ssh/known_hosts /root/.ssh/known_hostsMake sure you can access each HV and Backup Server from the OnApp user. To verify the keys are working correctly run the following commands:su onapp
ssh root@<HV_IP_ADDRESS>
8.Then, install OnApp Storage packages
yum -y install onapp-store-install /onapp/onapp-store-install/onapp-store-install.sh
9.Next, locate and restore the latest MySQL dump
Copy from backup the latest gzipped dump into the /root directory on CP.
I.e.:scp 1397788801.localhost.onapp.sql.gz <CP_IP_ADDRESS>:/root/ gunzip /root/1397788801.localhost.onapp.sql.gz mysql -p onapp < /root/1397788801.localhost.onapp.sql
10.Restore MySQL optimizations from backup (if changed from defaults)/etc/my.cnf
11.If required, run the OnApp installer to update the DB schemeThis may be required if you have reinstalled a newer version of OnApp than was installed previously.
Or you are not sure what version was install previously./onapp/onapp-cp-install/onapp-cp-install.sh
12.Then, regenerate Cloudboot information.
Option 1:
su onapp cd /onapp/interface/ && rails c Hypervisor.all.map { |hv| OnApp::CloudBoot::Config::Hypervisor.new(hv).update if hv.mac.present? }
In OnApp WebUI go to Settings > Configuration and click Save at the bottom of the page.
Option 2
If you have an up to date backup of /tftpboot you can restore the whole directory to replace the default /tftpboot files
13.Then, regenerate new dhcpd.conf by adding and removing a placeholder IP
- Go to Settings > Hypervisors > Cloudboot IPs
- Add a single placeholder IP; e.g:
IP Address –
Netmask –
Gateway – - After adding the above IP, please delete it using the “trash” icon
14.Finally, restart services for changes to take effect
service httpd stop
service onapp stop
service mysqld stop
service mysqld start
service onapp start
service httpd start
You may need to wait around 15 minutes for the license to become active, once it has become active this process should be complete.
If you have an empty Cloudboot server, it is recommended to reboot it at this stage in order to ensure the DHCP/TFTP services are working as expected.
[Need more assistance with OnApp queries? We’d be happy to assist]
In short, today we saw how our Support Techs help our customers to perform this task.
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