
How to Fix redis.exceptions.ConnectionError Error 10061

by | Oct 17, 2024

Learn how to fix redis.exceptions.ConnectionError Error 10061. Our Redis Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

How to Fix redis.exceptions.ConnectionError Error 10061

How to Fix redis.exceptions.ConnectionError Error 10061Did you know that the error `redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error 10061` commonly occurs when an application cannot connect to a Redis server?

This error indicates that the connection attempt was refused. This typically happens when the Redis server is not running, is incorrectly configured, or there are network issues such as blocked ports.

An Overview:

Common Causes of the Error

  • Ensure that the Redis server process is active and running. If the Redis service isn’t running, our application won’t be able to connect.
  • The client might be connecting to the wrong host or port. Double-check that the client uses the correct Redis server address and port (default: 6379).
  • A firewall or security setting might be blocking the Redis port. Ensure that the necessary ports are open.
  • Redis could be configured only to accept connections from `localhost` ( If accessing from a different machine, you may need to change the bind address to allow remote connections.
  • Newer Redis versions might have protected mode enabled, restricting access from remote machines unless properly configured.
  • General network issues could prevent our application from reaching the Redis server. Check if there are any connectivity issues between the client and server.
  • If the Redis server is under heavy load, it may refuse new connections. Monitoring the server’s resources might reveal if this is the problem.

Troubleshooting Steps

Verify Redis Server Status

  1. First, check the Redis service status:

    sudo systemctl status redis

  2. Then, verify Redis is listening on the expected port (default: 6379):

    sudo netstat -tuln | grep 6379

Check Client Configuration

Ensure that the Redis client is connecting to the right host and port. For example, in Python:

import redis
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)

Check Firewall and Network Settings

  1. Open the Redis port:

    sudo ufw allow 6379

  2. Test network connectivity using `telnet` or `nc`:

    telnet localhost 6379

Review Redis Configuration

  1. Open the Redis configuration file and check the bind address:

    sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

  2. Ensure the server allows remote connections by setting:


Inspect Logs

Check Redis logs for detailed errors or warnings:

tail -f /var/log/redis/redis-server.log

Restart the Redis Server

Restart the Redis service to resolve temporary issues:

sudo systemctl restart redis

Monitor Server Load

Use monitoring tools to check if the server is under heavy load and refusing new connections due to resource exhaustion.

Example Configuration Check

If remote connections are required, update the Redis configuration (`redis.conf`) to allow connections from any network interface:

sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

Then, change the `bind` directive to:


After that, save and restart the Redis server.

More About Redis Connection Timeout Issues

Sometimes, the Redis server is configured with very short timeout settings, leading to connection issues when the client takes too long to connect. Then, we can adjust the timeout setting in the Redis configuration file (redis.conf) to allow more time for the client to establish the connection.

Furthermore, ensure the client has appropriate timeout settings when attempting to connect to the Redis server. For example, in Python’s redis-py library, you can set a custom timeout:

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, socket_timeout=10)

Authentication Issues

If the Redis server requires authentication, ensure that the correct password is supplied in the client configuration. Failure to provide the password results in connection failure. We can configure it like this in Python:

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, password='yourpassword')

Also, we can set the Redis password by modifying the requirepass directive in the Redis configuration file (redis.conf).

Securing Redis Access

It’s critical to secure our Redis instance, especially if it’s publicly accessible. We can use firewalls, and VPNs, or limit access to specific IP ranges to protect our Redis server from unauthorized access.

In production environments, ensure that Redis connections are encrypted by enabling SSL/TLS, either through Redis’ built-in support or by using a proxy like stunnel to encrypt traffic between the client and server.

Redis Cluster Mode and Connection Issues

When using Redis in cluster mode, connection issues might occur due to misconfigurations. Ensure that all cluster nodes are correctly configured to communicate with each other and that the client is aware of the cluster’s nodes.

If using a Redis cluster, the client must be able to handle MOVED and ASK redirects, as data may reside on different nodes in the cluster. Ensure that your Redis client supports cluster mode.

Redis Connection Pooling

Furthermore, using connection pooling can improve the reliability of Redis connections by reusing existing connections instead of opening new ones every time. Most Redis clients, such as Python’s redis-py, support connection pooling by default, which reduces the overhead of frequently opening and closing connections.

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By following these troubleshooting steps, we can easily resolve connection issues related to Redis and error code 10061.

In brief, our Support Experts demonstrated how to fix redis.exceptions.connectionerror error 10061.


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