
How to Fix Sendmail Process Failed with Error Code 69

by | Oct 17, 2024

Learn how to fix the Sendmail Process Failed with Error Code 69. Our Sendmail Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

How to Fix Sendmail Process Failed with Error Code 69

How to Fix Sendmail Process Failed with Error Code 69Did you know that the Sendmail error code 69 signifies that your application is experiencing a resource availability issue during local mail delivery?

This error commonly appears when sending email via the Sendmail service and indicates the process was interrupted or blocked, usually due to configuration or system resource problems.

The error generally appears as:

Can’t send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 69

This indicates that the process failed due to resource unavailability, often during local delivery attempts.

Impact of Error Code 69

Here are some of the impacts of error code 69

  • Emails fail to be sent, leading to undelivered messages.
  • Users may face confusion due to the lack of clarity in the error.
  • Repeated failures can cause system load as the mail server processes the failed transactions.

Repeated delivery failures caused by issues like Sendmail error code 69 can result in a high volume of bounced messages. When emails are not delivered successfully, they “bounce” back to the sender with failure notifications. Over time, these bounce messages can accumulate, signaling a problem with your email system.

This negatively impacts deliverability, as email service providers track the bounce rates. If bounce rates exceed acceptable thresholds, our emails may be flagged as spam or rejected, affecting the timely delivery of business-critical communications.

Furthermore, consistently failed email deliveries can harm your IP reputation. Email service providers monitor IPs for spammy or irregular behavior, and high bounce rates can lead to the perception that our emails are unreliable.

Over time, this can cause our IP to be blacklisted, making it difficult to send emails to various recipients. A damaged reputation can impact marketing campaigns, customer communications, and other essential business operations.

An Overview:

Common Scenarios for Error Code 69

  • Error 69 may occur during times of high traffic when Sendmail resources are overloaded.
  • Incorrect file permissions on Sendmail configuration or mail spool files can cause this error.
  • When too many emails are sent concurrently, resource limitations can prevent Sendmail from processing them.

1. Configuration Issues

Incorrect configurations in Sendmail or services like Procmail.


  1. Review and fix the Sendmail configuration file (`/etc/mail/`).
  2. Compile the updated configuration:

    sudo make -C /etc/mail

  3. Verify Procmail configuration, ensuring correct paths and permissions.
  4. Ensure proper local mail delivery by checking `/etc/hosts.allow` for the `sendmail: ALL` entry.

2. User Account Issues

Misconfigured or non-existent user accounts.


  1. Check if the user exists with the command `id username`.
  2. If needed, create the user using:

    sudo useradd -m username
    sudo passwd username

  3. Verify valid email addresses correspond to existing users.

3. Local Mail Delivery Problems

Issues with local mail mechanisms such as Procmail.


  1. Ensure Procmail is installed by running `which procmail`. If it’s not installed, use:

    sudo apt-get install procmail

  2. Review mail logs for errors:

    sudo less /var/log/mail.log

4. Resource Limitations

Insufficient system resources like memory or disk space.


  1. Monitor resources using commands like `free -m` (memory), `df -h` (disk space), and `top` (CPU usage).
  2. Optimize by stopping unnecessary services, freeing disk space, or upgrading hardware if needed.

5. Firewall or Security Settings

Blocked mail delivery due to firewall rules.


Review and update firewall rules to allow SMTP traffic on port 25:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT

Preventive Measures

  • Periodically review and update Sendmail configurations.
  • Keep an updated list of user accounts and ensure valid email configurations.
  • Use monitoring tools to track system resources and get alerts.
  • Implement backup procedures for configurations and user data to ensure quick recovery in case of failure.

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

  • Enable verbose logging in Sendmail to capture more detailed error messages. This can be done by modifying the Sendmail configuration to increase log level and analyzing `/var/log/maillog` for more information.
  • Use manual commands like `mail` or `sendmail -v` to directly test mail delivery and identify whether the problem lies with Sendmail or a third-party component.
  • To prevent performance issues and repeated errors like code 69, system administrators can monitor Sendmail using tools like Zabbix or Nagios.

    These tools help track server metrics, including email queues, delivery success rates, and resource usage.

  • Custom scripts can also be set up to monitor Sendmail’s performance, offering early warnings and reducing the risk of email deliverability problems. By proactively monitoring these indicators, admins can act swiftly to resolve issues before they escalate.

[Need assistance with a different issue? Our team is available 24/7.]


By following these troubleshooting steps and preventive measures, we can easily address and prevent the Sendmail error code 69, ensuring smooth mail delivery.

In brief, our Support Experts demonstrated how to fix Sendmail Process Failed with Error Code 69.


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