Allow_url_fopen DirectAdmin: A Note On

Let us learn how to enable allow_url_fopen directadmin with the support of our DirectAdmin support services at Bobcares. To enable or disable PHP’s allow_url_fopen directive DirectAdmin Follow these procedures to activate or disable PHP’s allow_url_fopen...

Sourceguardian on DirectAdmin: A Setup Guide

Let us take learn how to set up the sourceguardian on DirectAdmin with the support of our DirectAdmin support services at Bobcares. Why install SourceGuardian on DirectAdmin? Source Guard is a very high end php encoder that can encrypt encrypted php files in order to...

DirectAdmin Add Ipv6: How to Set up?

Let us learn how to add ipv6 to DirectAdmin with the support of our DirectAdmin support services at Bobcares. How to enable Ipv6 support on DirectAdmin? DirectAdmin now fully supports IPv6 addresses and has made various enhancements in version 1.37.0. Using the...

DirectAdmin Composer: How to Setup?

Let us take learn how to setup the directadmin composer with the support of our DirectAdmin support services at Bobcares. Why setup Directadmin composer? Composer is a PHP dependency management tool. Many developers use it to manage and integrate external packages or...

DirectAdmin Custombuild Plugin: How to Setup?

Let us take learn how to setup directadmin custombuild plugin with the support of our DirectAdmin support services at Bobcares. Installing Directadmin custombuild plugin We will be asked if we want to install Custombuild while installing DirectAdmin. If the unmanaged...