Ansible MariaDB Replication: Set Up

Let us learn how to do the Ansible mariadb replication with the support of our Redis of our server management support services at Bobcares. MariaDB Replication with Ansible We may use Ansible to automate the installation and administration of numerous infrastructure...

ERPNext Digitalocean: How to Set up?

Let us take a closer look at the ERPNext Digitalocean with the support of our Digital ocean-managed services at Bobcares. What is ERPNext and why set it up on Digitalocean? ERPNext is a set of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications that take use of the power...

How to reset auto increment MariaDB

Learn how to reset auto increment in MariaDB. Our Server Management Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. How to reset auto increment MariaDB The auto-increment feature in MariaDB automatically generates unique values for a specific column...

Migrate Zabbix to New Server: How to?

Let us learn more on how to migrate zabbix to new server. With the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares we can go through the whole backup setup process. Moving the Zabbix database to a new database server. Former server: Debian Linux 9 with...