System error 1058 has occurred on Plesk server and not sure what to do? Read on to find out what our experts suggest.
At Bobcares, we offer solutions for every query, big and small, as a part of our Server Management Services.
Let’s take a look at how our Support Team is ready to help customers when the system error 1058 on Plesk server.
How to solve: System error 1058 has occurred on Plesk server
The System error 1058 often pops up during a Plesk upgrade failure. It results in the following error message:
Info 1923.Service 'Plesk SQL Server' (PleskSQLServer) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services MSI (04): ExecServiceConfig: Error 0x80070430: Cannot change service configuration. Error: The specified service has been marked for deletion. Failed to install 'C:\ParallelsInstaller\parallels\PANEL-WIN_17.8.11\dist-windows\mysql-admin_mu067.msi': Fatal error Action '' failed with error 1603(0x00000643) Error: The installation of the package 'mysql' failed with code 1603. (upgrade: Upgrading Plesk SQL server...)
According to our Support Team, it may also cause the Plesk SQL Service to fail with the following error message:
System error 1058 has occurred. The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
Interestingly, this specific issue does not result in any errors in the PleskSQL service error log.
The System error 1058 is a result of a corrupted Plesk SQL Server service configuration. Fortunately, our Support Engineers have come up with a solution for the issue on hand:
- First, connect to the server with the help of RDP.
- Then, run the command prompt as Administrator and stop the PleskSQLServer service with this command:
C:\>net stop PleskSQLServer
- Next, delete the PleskSQLServer service with this command:
C:\>sc delete PleskSQLServer
- After that, recreate the PleskSQLServer service by executing this command:
C:\>sc create PleskSQLServer start= auto DisplayName= "Plesk SQL Server" binPath= "\"%plesk_dir%MySQL\bin\mysqld.exe\" --defaults-file=\"%plesk_dir%MySQL\my.ini\" PleskSQLServer"
- Then, configure the Log on user with the command below:
C:\>sc config "PleskSQLServer" obj= "NT Service\PleskSQLServer"
- Next, start the PleskSQLServer service with this command:
C:\>net start PleskSQLServer
- Now, we proceed with the upgrade process with the following command and selecting forward options:
C:\>plesk installer --console --debug
Once you are done with this process, you will not have to face the System error 1058 any longer.
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To sum up, our skilled Support Engineers at Bobcares demonstrated what to do when a system error 1058 has occurred on the Plesk server.
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