Stretch-Backport Repository | About

Learn more about Stretch-Backport Repository from our experts. Our Server Management Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. Stretch-Backport Repository | About Did you know that Backports repository offers packages for the Debian stable...

SQL server xp_cmdshell: How to?

Let us take a closer look at the SQL server xp_cmdshell. At Bobcares with the support of our MSSQL support services, we can give you a detailed note on the usage of the xp_camdshell command.     What is xp_cmdshell? The xp_cmdshell is a very powerful extended...

Dynatrace SQL Server: Enabling and management.

Let us take a closer look at how to enable the Dynatrace SQL server monitoring with the assistance of our MSSQL support services at Bobcares.     Dynatrace It monitors SQL Server databases across all platforms and analyzes database service activity, allowing...

SQL Server Openquery: A Guide on

Let us take a closer look at the SQL server openquery and its functions with the assistance of our MSSQL support services at Bobcares.   Openquery The OPENQUERY function is a tool to do an ad hoc distributed query on a distant data source via the connected server....