MySQL error 1005 (hy000): Causes and solution.

Let us take a closer look at MySQL error 1005 (hy000) and how to remove it with the support of our MySQL support team at Bobcares.     MySQL ERROR 1005: Can’t create table (errno: 150) (Foreign Key) The example given below will demonstrate a case in which this error...

SQL Server Nocount: Explianed

Let us take a look at the SQL server nocount. At Bobcares our MSSQL support services we can give you a detailed overview of the Noncount and its usage.   SQL Nocount The notification that displays the number of rows impacted by a Transact-SQL statement or stored...

Ceph DigitalOcean: A Guide On

 Let us take a closer look at how to set up the Ceph filesystem on Digitalocean with the support of DigitalOcean managed services at Bobcares.    ceph                                         It is a distributed storage system that offers object, block, and file...