The article explains more about troubleshooting issues related to Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ. Bobcares, as a part of our AWS Support Services, offers solutions to every query that comes our way.
Troubleshooting issues related to Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ

Case 1
Follow these steps if we are unable to view the broker’s logs in CloudWatch Logs.
1. Verify logs:CreateLogGroup
permission is there for the IAM user who creates or restarts the broker.
2. Verify that a resource-based policy has been set up to permit Amazon MQ to publish logs to CloudWatch Logs. Configure a resource-based policy to grant Amazon MQ access to the CloudWatch Logs API actions such as CreateLogStream
and PutLogEvents
in order to enable Amazon MQ to publish logs to the CloudWatch Logs log group.
Case 2
When the standby instance is enabled during a failure event, after a planned maintenance window has ended, or after a broker restarts we triggered, we may be experiencing connectivity problems. In either scenario, connection problems that arise after a broker restart are most likely brought on by exceptionally high message persistence rates in the Amazon EFS or Amazon EBS storage volume of our broker. Amazon MQ relocates persisted messages from storage to broker memory during a restart. We can keep an eye on the metrics listed below on CloudWatch for the Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ broker to confirm this diagnosis:
1. StoragePercentUsage
2. JournalFilesForFullRecovery
3. OpenTransactionCount
We advise using a rollback() or commid() to resolve the XA transactions in order to fix this problem.
Case 3
We may have exceeded the broker’s wire-level connections limit if the broker is in the RUNNING status and some clients may connect to it successfully but not others. When the maximum number of wire-level connections is reached, the broker will aggressively reject any new incoming connections. Upgrading the broker instance type is what we advise doing to fix this problem. See Broker instance types for further details on selecting the ideal instance type for the workload.
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To sum up, our Support team went over the troubleshooting issues related to Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ.
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