by Sijin George | Mar 28, 2019 | Latest, Technical Support
Website errors are always frustrating. Errors are not at all welcoming especially when you are doing a last minute site update. One such error is “Curl error: 28 (OPERATION_TIMEOUTED).” In simple words, this happens when a timeout occurs while performing a...
by Sijin George | Mar 27, 2019 | Latest, MySQL, NFS, Server Administration
CloudStack help service providers to deploy cloud solutions on demand. Thus, it is one the popular option among Data Centers. As the CloudStack installation guide comes with the steps for CentOS 6, it can be confusing while installing CloudStack in CentOS 7....
by Sijin George | Mar 26, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
Email server blacklisting create big problems while sending mails. And, it causes mail to fail with 550 errors. Although there are many blacklists, getting into Backscatterer blacklist can result in email failure up to 4 weeks. That’s why, many customers...
by Sijin George | Mar 25, 2019 | Latest, Technical Support
DNS servers are now a primary attack vector of cyber criminals. Unfortunately, such attack has a wide impact as it affect all domains. That’s why, securing DNS servers becomes very critical for any organization. Luckily, security features like DNSSEC help...
by Sijin George | Mar 23, 2019 | Latest, Technical Support
I noticed my domain fails in DNSSEC. Can you fix this? That was a recent support request from one of our customers at our Technical Support Services for Web hosts. DNSSEC aka DNS Security Extensions simply brings in security to DNS zone records using digital...
by Sijin George | Mar 22, 2019 | Latest, Technical Support
Django is a popular way to build Python applications. Although it comes with a built-in server, it may create problems in production environment. That’s where Gunicorn server helps. Gunicorn server can run python applications in multiple platforms. But, to run...
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