
Emulsify Drupal: A Complete setup Guide

by | Mar 12, 2023

Let us learn more about the emulsify drupal. With the support of our Drupal support services at Bobcares we can give you a guide on Emulsify.

What is Emulsify Drupal?

Emulsify Drupal

Emulsify is a free and open-source tool for building design systems with reusable components and explicit team standards. It can assist businesses in scaling their design while lowering costs, optimizing procedures, and boosting accessibility.

Emulsify Drupal includes a component library called Storybook, a development environment called Webpack, and a Drupal 8 starting kit theme. We can use it as an independent prototype tool or as part of a Drupal installation.

The term “Emulsify Drupal” refers to a front-end development framework and design system based on Drupal, a prominent open-source content management system (CMS).

Emulsify can to assist front-end developers and designers in creating uniform, responsive, and accessible user interfaces for Drupal websites.

Emulsify provides a library of design patterns, styles, and components for creating Drupal themes. These patterns and components are set up into a modular and scalable design framework that allows Drupal themes to be easily maintained and updated over time.

Moreover, Emulsify employs a component-based development methodology, which implies that each component of the user interface is divided down into discrete, reusable components. This allows for the creation and updating of specific components without impacting the rest of the site.

Emulsify is created with cutting-edge front-end development tools and technologies including Node.js, Gulp, and Sass. It contains a Gulp-based build system that automates activities like Sass compilation, style guide generation, and making efficient production builds.

Installation and Requirements

  • Node
  • CLI should be emulsified (Not strictly recommended, but all docs will assume its use)

Within a Drupal instance that uses Composer

The Emulsify CLI is the preferred way for installing the Drupal Starter. Before we proceed, we have to install the the CLI by running npm install -g @emulsify/cli.

  1. Create a theme based on the Drupal starter Set init “My Amazing Theme” in the project root.
  2. Go to the new theme folder web/themes/custom/my awesome theme.
  3. Install the default Compound system components. Install the emulsifying system and the compound
  4. Theme build npm run build
  5. **drush then THEME NAME -y && drush en components emulsify twig -y && drush en components emulsify twig -y && drush en components emulsify t
  6. Set the custom theme as the system’s default drush config-set theme. default theme THEME NAME -y

Standalone (for experimenting outside of a Drupal setup) (for prototyping outside of a Drupal install)

  1. Install the starter in the desired folder, and then run emulsify init “My Amazing Theme” —platform drupal. (In the above excerpt,. denotes “the present place.”)
  2. Install the system by cd’ing into that directory. If you want to use a specific version, run emulsify system install —repository —checkout [branch/tag/commit] instead of emulsify system install —repository —checkout main.
  3. We can now use npm run build to just compile things, or npm run develops to begin working on the components separately.

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To sum up we have now seen more about emulsify drupal. With the support of our Drupal support services at Bobcares we have now gone through the whole process.


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