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Plesk WebDAV – Here’s everything that you need to know!
Control panels like Plesk offer many file transfer options like File Manager, FTP, WebDAV etc. And the choice depends on the upload requirements of each user. Uncommon, but convenient, WebDAV supports features like file locking, user restrictions etc. Plesk WebDAV...
WordPress XMLRPC Attack – How to safeguard your website?
WordPress attacks increased by 74% from last year! This alarming rate of website attacks mainly happen when the WordPress installation do not follow proper security practices. And one of the common ways to hack such websites is by "WordPress XMLRPC Attack". At...
How to fix “smtp error: could not authenticate” in PHPMailer
PHPMailer is a great tool to send emails safely and easily using SMTP authentication. But, sometimes this may fail due to incompatible server settings or incorrect SMTP configuration. "smtp error: could not authenticate" is one such problem reported by website owners...
Naxsi vs ModSecurity – Which is the best for me?
Cyber criminals hack nearly 50000 websites a day! That is why, most Web Hosts need to enable firewall programs like ModSecurity, NAXSI etc. to defend these server hacks. Although both of them are free, the choice of Naxsi vs Modsecurity depends largely on the server...
How to fix “Insecure Permissions Check” warning in WHMCS
Maintaining business systems can be really hard. When it comes to billing software like WHMCS, security is a crucial aspect. You can't take risk with sensitive information like customer data, credit card data, etc. At Bobcares, our Server Engineers periodically review...
Migrating emails to Plesk – Here’s how to do it
Migrating the entire domain is pretty easy with Plesk Migration tool. At times, when customer changes only their email provider, there is a need to migrate only email contents. Doing this selective migration may not be easy and often end up in broken email accounts....
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