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“502 Bad Gateway” in NGINX – Causes & Fixes
Maintaining a server is hard. Especially when you run into errors like "502 bad gateway" in Nginx. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Service, we can handle your issues. Overview What is a "502 Bad Gateway" error? Common Causes and Solutions for "502 Bad Gateway"...
How to fix Disk Quota Exceeded error in Linux servers
Disk Quota Exceeded is a common error in Linux web hosting servers. Website owners see this error when they try to upload a file, send a mail or update a database. Every month, our engineers resolve hundreds of "Disk Quota Exceeded" errors in our role as website...
Prestashop Error 500 – Top 7 reasons, and how to fix them
"500 Internal Server Error" or plain "Internal Server Error" is common in Prestashop installations. As a Server Administration Service provider, we've seen a wide range of reasons for this error in Nginx servers, Apache, IIS, LiteSpeed and more. It can range from...
How to fix “error no 1062” in MySQL servers and clusters
Here at Bobcares, we provide Server Administration and Maintenance services to website owners and web solution providers. An error we sometimes see in MySQL servers while updating, restoring or replicating databases is: "Error No: 1062" or "Error Code: 1062" or "ERROR...
CBL blacklist removal – How to kill botnet malware & delist your IP
SpamHaus CBL or Composite Blocking List is a list of IPs that is known to send spam, or is found to have a bot infected website. Here at Bobcares, we help website and server owners delist blacklisted IPs, and maintain their servers to prevent future infections or...
Server Management and Monitoring – 5 tips to do it right
These days you can get a server from AWS or Azure in as little as 15 minutes. And not surprisingly, many business owners now use a VPS or Cloud instance to host their website or business apps. The trouble is, these servers are sold as "unmanaged" instances, and the...
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