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Roll Ruby On Rails in Windows :: Installation
Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework that is defined for the Ruby programming language. Also known as RoR, it uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern to organize application programming. Some of the advantages of the Ruby...
How Web Hosts can use Customer Surveys to retain customers
Yes, it's a bad economy. We all know that. If being bombarded with bad news wasn't bad enough, it's even harder when this reality dawns on your own business. How can Web Hosts or for that matter any business deal with the recession? While there are many ways, I would...
Virtual Private Networking with Windows Server 2003 :: Overview
Consider a business organization that has its facilities spread across the country or around the world. There is one thing that it will need - a way to maintain fast, secure and reliable communication amongst all its branches. There are also many organizations which...
Server Management Solutions :: Stay away from Cracks and Hacks
Server Management is not about just having someone to check if your server is online. Server Managers are the ones you entrust to see that your server software is up to date, the security patches that you have in place are working, the firewall of the server is secure...
Red Hat Enterprise IPA on CentOS 5.2
For over a decade, several organizations used the Network Information Services (NIS) to render the central management of identity and policy for users and machines in the Linux and Unix environment. However, NIS had some serious infirmities that caused its failure to...
Stepping up skills through Continual Improvement – The Bobcares way
"Boss, I'm done. I can solve all support issues that come to my queue. I know cPanel, Apache, and Qmail. I feel that there is no more challenge in work". That was me, speaking to my boss after working as a support engineer in Bobcares for one year. His response was,...
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