
“Fatal Error: Trying to Set Unknown Setting ‘bind-config'” in PowerDNS

by | Oct 9, 2024

Learn how to fix the “Fatal Error: Trying to Set Unknown Setting ‘bind-config'” in PowerDNS. Our Server Management Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

“Fatal Error: Trying to Set Unknown Setting ‘bind-config'” in PowerDNS

"Fatal Error: Trying to Set Unknown Setting 'bind-config'" in PowerDNSAre you having trouble with the “Fatal error: trying to set unknown setting ‘bind-config'” message in PowerDNS?

According to our Experts, this error usually occurs when the configuration file includes an unrecognized directive. This issue arises due to a misconfiguration or the use of an unsupported option in the PowerDNS configuration file.

Today we are going to take a closer look at this error and its causes to resolve it quickly and ensure the smooth operation of our DNS services.

An Overview:

Meaning and Syntax of the Error

This error indicates that PowerDNS is attempting to apply a configuration directive that it doesn’t recognize, preventing the service from starting.

Here is the syntax of the error:

Fatal error: trying to set unknown setting ‘setting-name’

In this case, `’bind-config’` is the problematic setting.

Impacts of the Error

  • PowerDNS will fail to start, which can disrupt DNS services.
  • Applications relying on DNS resolution may experience failures.
  • Troubleshooting and correcting the configuration can extend downtime.

Common Causes and Fixes

1. Incorrect Configuration Directive

The directive `bind-config` may not be valid due to version differences or typographical errors in the configuration file.


  • Verify the PowerDNS version with:

    pdns_server –version

  • Then, consult the official PowerDNS documentation to ensure that the configuration setting is valid for your version.
  • Edit the configuration file (typically `/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf`) and remove or correct any unrecognized directives. If `bind-config` is not supported, comment it out or delete it.

2. Legacy Configuration Files

Older configuration files may contain deprecated settings that are no longer supported in newer versions of PowerDNS.


  • Review the configuration file against the latest PowerDNS documentation.
  • Also, remove or update deprecated directives like `bind-config`, replacing them with the current equivalents as per the latest version of PowerDNS.

3. Multiple Configuration Files

Conflicting settings across multiple configuration files can result in errors when PowerDNS attempts to load them.


  • Consolidate configurations into one file or ensure that multiple files do not have conflicting settings.
  • Then. check for additional configuration files in `/etc/powerdns/pdns.d/` and ensure there is only one active `launch=` directive across all files.
  • If multiple `launch=` directives exist, remove or merge them into one consistent configuration.

4. Missing Configuration Files

Required configuration files may be missing, leading PowerDNS to use default settings that could conflict with our setup.


  • Ensure that critical configuration files like `bind.conf` or `named.conf` exist.
  • If missing, create the necessary configuration files with appropriate settings.

5. File Permissions Issues

Incorrect file permissions can prevent PowerDNS from reading its configuration files.


  • Check file permissions with:

    ls -l /etc/powerdns/

  • Then, ensure the user running PowerDNS has read access. Change permissions with:

    sudo chmod 644 /etc/powerdns/*.conf
    sudo chown pdns:pdns /etc/powerdns/*.conf

6. Improper Syntax in Configuration Files

Syntax errors, such as typos or formatting issues, can lead to unrecognized settings in the configuration.


  1. Open the configuration file and review it for any formatting mistakes.
  2. Then, ensure all directives are correctly spelled and formatted according to PowerDNS documentation.

7. Incompatibility with Other Services

Other DNS services (e.g., `systemd-resolved`) may be binding to port 53, causing conflicts with PowerDNS.


  • Check if another service is using port 53:

    sudo netstat -tuln | grep :53

  • If `systemd-resolved` is using the port, stop the service:

    sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved

  • Alternatively, modify the PowerDNS configuration to bind to a different port or IP address.

Prevention Tips

  • Ensure that the configuration settings align with the version of PowerDNS you’re using by consulting the official documentation.
  • Keep the number of configuration files minimal to avoid conflicts. If multiple files are needed, ensure they are consistent.
  • Also, always test configuration changes in a non-production environment before applying them to production to avoid unexpected downtime.
  • Regularly monitor logs during startup to catch and address misconfigurations early.
  • Additionally, before making changes to your configuration files, create backups to ensure quick recovery if needed.
  • Furthermore, regularly check PowerDNS documentation for updates and new configurations to avoid using deprecated directives.

[Need assistance with a different issue? Our team is available 24/7.]


The “Fatal error: trying to set unknown setting ‘bind-config'” error in PowerDNS arises from unrecognized configuration directives, often due to version mismatches or incorrect settings. By following the steps outlined in this guide, we can troubleshoot the error, correct the configuration, and prevent future issues, ensuring that our PowerDNS service runs smoothly without interruption.

In brief, our Support Experts demonstrated how to fix the “Fatal Error: Trying to Set Unknown Setting ‘bind-config'” in PowerDNS.


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