
Remote Access Pfsense WebGui Via SSH Tunnel: How To?

by | Jun 22, 2023

Let us look at how to set up Remote Access Pfsense WebGui  Via SSH Tunnel with the support of our pFsense support services at Bobcares.

Setup SSH Tunnel On Pfsense for Remote Access

Remote Access Pfsense WebGui Via SSH Tunnel

The default configuration of pfsense does not enable SSH access, so we need to activate it first and then allow it through firewall rules for WAN access. Let’s proceed with the steps one by one.

Log in using the admin credentials to the pfsense firewall, and if we are using the pfsense default credentials, such as username admin and password pfsense, change the password to something strong.

To change the password, go to System-User Manager from the top menu, then Users, then the pencil symbol (Edit) for admin under Actions, and then change the default password.

Assuming the password is now something more secure, let’s enable SSH access. To do so, go to System-Advance, then pick the Admin Access tab, and scroll down to the Secure Shell section.

Enable Secure Shell by checking the option, then save the settings with the default parameters.

Enable Pfsense secure shell

It is better to grant Strict Access to the Pfsense Web Interface IP. Create a list of IP addresses that will be authorized to visit the pfsense web Interface address from the outside for a Strict visit.

Firewall Rule For Remote SSH Access

By default, pfsense employs a firewall rule known as the Anti Lockout Rule, which restricts remote access to the pfsense web interface while simultaneously preventing the user from being locked out of the firewall if the firewall rules are incorrectly set.

We have to disable this rule in order to allow remote web access.

To disable it, go to the main menu System>Advance and uncheck Disable webConfigurator anti-lockout rule on the Admin Access Tab.

As the last step in Remote Access configuration, we must establish a firewall Pass rule and use Alias in the authorized Source box, as seen in the picture below.

How to create a firewall rule?

To create a firewall rule, go to the top menu and pick Firewall-Rules, then the WAN Interface, and finally Add.

Allow Remote SSH firewall rule for Remote Access in Pfsense.

As we wish to enable SSH communication from the distant WAN, we set Action: to PASS.

WAN interface, which will be our local WAN interface.

TCP as SSH uses TCP port 22 by default.

Source: Single host or Alias; we will select Remote_WAN_IPs since it will appear when we begin inputting the name of our Alias.

Destination: This Firewall (self) reflects our firewall’s Management IP Address.

Once we’ve finished inputting your setup settings, click the Save button to finish the configuration.

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To sum up we have now seen how to set up the Remote Access Pfsense WebGui  Via SSH Tunnel with the support of our tech support team.


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