Wondering why OVH root partition is too small? Our Support Team is well-versed in coming up with solutions for challenging problems like these.
Our Support Engineers have been hearing from a lot of our customers that their OVH root partition is smaller than required. We have a workaround solution to resolve this issue. Let’s dive in to find out more about it.
Why is the OVH root partition too small?
Recently, a couple of our customers reported that their servers provided by ovh.com seem to have only 8 GB of disk space allocated for the root partition even though the server has a larger disk size. For instance:
# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 40G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 0 7.8G 0 part / loop0 7:0 0 500M 0 loop /var/tmp
The issue arises as a result of a templating issue at OVH. One way to fix it would be to contact them directly and ensure that the root filesystem of your server meets the minimum requirements for cPanel.
Our Support Team put their heads together and came up with an alternate solution to overstep this particular issue.
How to fix OVH root partition is too small issue
The first step would be to extend or grow the sda1 partition in order to use the full disk. You can accomplish this by running these commands as root:
yum -y install cloud-utils growpart /dev/sda 1 resize2fs /dev/sda1
It is essential to note that there is a space between sda and “1” in the second command. This is responsible for allowing the partition to grow as large as the disk.
In case you are not sure how to proceed, our Support Team can help out with further investigation to resolve the issue.
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In brief, we learned what to do if the root partition is not big enough. The skilled Support Engineers at Bobcares took us through an easy solution to increase the root partition size.
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