by Sushali Dasan | Feb 3, 2021 | Latest, Server Management
Stuck with Vestacp 502 bad gateway? We can help you. Vestacp 502 bad gateway issue occurs mainly due to lack of disk space or vesta session problems. VestaCP is an open-source web control panel that is considered to be a great alternative to cPanel. At Bobcares, we...
by Jilu Joseph | Apr 24, 2019 | Latest, Server Administration
A “502 gateway timeout” is a common server error that leads many of our customers to headache. This error happens when one web server gets an invalid response from another web server. There are many reasons for this error to happen, such as Bad server...
by Sijin George | Dec 11, 2018 | DigitalOcean, Nginx
Our site showed a “502 Bad Gateway” error. Restarting nginx brought the site back temporarily, but still getting the error. Can you take a look and fix this error? That was an emergency request from DigitalOcean Droplet owner in our Infrastructure...
by Reeshma Mathews | Nov 14, 2018 | Server Administration
“My WordPress site is getting lot of bad gateways when trying to edit the back end. Please fix.” Recently, we were contacted by a customer who was getting PHP 502 bad gateway error when trying to update his website. In our role as Technical Support...
by Sijin George | Nov 8, 2018 | Server Management
Web servers show 502 errors when they are unable to display a requested page – due to network error, security restrictions, and so on. 502 Connection failed is one such error reported by Fiddler, a web app debugging tool. It means that Fiddler’s request...
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