
Unable to activate scheduled task in Plesk

by | Jan 16, 2022

Are you unable to activate scheduled task in Plesk? We can help you.

At Bobcares, we offer solutions for every query, big and small, as a part of our Server Management Service.

Let’s take a look at how our Support Team help a customer  deal with this Plesk error.

How to resolve unable to activate scheduled task in Plesk?

Usually, you are unable to activate a scheduled Task in Plesk > Domains > Scheduled Tasks – after refresh it is still shown as disabled.

Issue occurs when the main domain of the subscription is suspended.

when it is suspended the following command is run automatically to stop the execution of crontab commands of a specific user account:

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/crontabmng deny USERNAME

This command adds the value ##!PSA!## into the crontab user file preventing a scheduled task from execution so the files starts to look like the following:

grep PSA /var/spool/cron/USERNAME
##!PSA!## 0 2 * * * (((((/opt/plesk/php/7.4/bin/php -f '' -- 'cache:clear') ) ) ) ) > /dev/null

Today, let us see the methods followed by our Support Techs to resolve it:

Solution 1 – Reactivate the subscription

1. Firstly, log into Plesk

2. Then, go to Subscriptions or Domains > Select subscriptions to change > click on Change Status:

3. Finally, go to Subscriptions or Domains > and click on Activate or Suspend in the Hosting menu on right side bar.

Solution 2 – Activate the cronjob for the subscription

1. Firstly, connect to the server via SSH.

2. Then, run the following command to activate the cronjobs of that subscription (even if the subscription should remain suspended):

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/crontabmng allow USERNAME

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Today, we saw steps followed by our Support Engineers to resolve scheduled task suspension issue in Plesk.


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