Want to know more about plans from Bobcares?

Bobcares sales agents now available on live chat! Bobcares has now launched a live chat facility to answer sales queries. Want to know more about a Bobcares plan? Want to customize a plan to meet specific requirements? Go to bobcares.com and click on the “Live...

64bit kernel exploit – Update

All major distributions have already released updates to their kernels which you can easily update using the corresponding package management system of your distribution. More about the fix and workaround after the jump. You can find out more details about the updates...

Why disable SELinux (III/III)

We have covered quite some ground in the previous posts as part1 and part2. Lets conclude this here with the part 3. Targeted Policy The Red Hat Targeted Policy targets certain services for special protection through SELinux. Web services: httpd, squid Name and...