by admin | Jan 1, 2008 | Server Administration
“Kernel compilation is a tough nut to crack” – Most frequently this would be followed by a sigh if the recompiled kernel is not booting up. Though the nut has the look of a tough one to crack, kernel recompilation is still an inescapable affair that...
by Hamish Oscar Lawrence | Oct 9, 2007 | Server Administration
Ajaxterm is a web based terminal. It is a simple solution for those who wish to run a terminal on web. Ajaxterm is fully written in python and Ajax. Ajaxterm installation Software requirements Installation procedures . Web server configuration Lighttpd web server...
by admin | May 18, 2006 | Server Administration
The RedHat Package Manager (RPM) is a popular package management system. Using RPM it’s easier to install, uninstall, and upgrade software packages. Apart from that, it’s possible to query a package for details and also can verify the integrity of...
by admin | Mar 16, 2006 | Server Administration
How many of us haven’t been intimidated by the weird black Unix shell, at least once. A blank empty prompt that dares us to type commands. Well, the Unix Shell is the most versatile and powerful tool on the Unix platform. It interprets the commands typed in by...
by admin | Feb 3, 2006 | Server Administration
1. Introduction “Booting the computer”, this is a common word associated with starting the computer. Though we use it casually in our daily life, have you ever thought of what exactly it is ? or how the system brings itself to a workable environment ?...
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