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PHP permission : For PHP files under suPHP – solved
While discussing PHP permissions in the last blog, we concluded that SuPHP servers ideally needed PHP file permissions of just 600. Out of many means to set the permission/ownership, the quickest is to set the permissions, using a script. You may set this script as a...
cPanel mailing list – Howto
A mailing list is actually a list of mail addresses, to which the same information/content is sent. Suppose you have to send an announcement to all users of a particular service, say customers who use your enterprise backup solution, all you need to do is to send it...
Plesk panel vulnerabilities : Windows and Linux
Parallels have released fixes and micro updates for vulnerabilities in old Windows Plesk 8 and windows Plesk 9. Another recent vulnerability in Plesk panel was reported and its micro update was released a couple of days ago. The details of the Plesk Panel...
cPanel : Adding custom Apache handlers
cPanel allows for adding custom handlers for Apache. Apache handlers specify as to how to deal with web files, and how to serve a file with a specific extension. For instance, Apache might be configured to process all files with the file extension .pl as perl files...
Mission : ZERO malware – Part I
In February this year, a well known Web Hosting News Site reported Cybercrime-Linked Web Host VolgaHost Goes Offline . The post goes on to say "The hosting provider has been known in the industry for hosting botnet command-and-control servers and other online...
Adding FTP accounts in cPanel
FTP is one of the traditional methods of publishing websites onto the webspace. With numerous FTP software, this is also the most popular methods of transferring files. cPanel has the option of switching between multiple FTP servers, and has a single interface from...
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